Thursday, February 24, 2011

The "Look"

Some guys from Driveway Impressions came to give me an estimate this morning (see facebook status).  I'm sure most people looking to improve the look of their home isn't telling them "I don't really want to invest that much on this house because..heh...look at our neighbors."  It's true though.  Part of not having an HOA means you'll have neighbors that throw every piece of junk they have in their front or backyard like lawn ornaments.  Whateva.  So the "main dude" was chatting and he asked about my last name, asked where I'm from..yada yada yada so I had to explain my schpeal of "my husband is half Italian but we both like to roll around in the Italian-ness hence our childrens' names..." you know the drill.  Both kids were actually pretty well-behaved the entire time but most people don't realize they don't just act that way for nothin'.

No, actually I "prep" them before people come over.  I give them the "look"...I threaten....I point my finger at the one with the winkie in particular since he's usually the one instigating the trouble in this house.  Then I put the girl in the high chair since she'll be relatively safe and secure and the boy is told to remain on the couch or in its vicinity.  The tv is on, pacifiers, burpies and other items are handed out and a final warning before I open the door to guests. 

So the "main dude" at one point looked over at the kids and goes, "They're really well-behaved."  He said it almost like he was surprised.  He just stopped talking, looked over as if it just dawned on him that two children were in the house.  Three men and only I happened to notice and hear the chatter and loud talking in the first few minutes of driveway/patio discussion.  I keep hearing that "kids will be kids" and that "they're like angels compared to other kids!".  Yeah, as I said...they don't just come out like that.  Kids are kids but not in front of other people. lol  I told the guy I run a tight ship and he goes, "No that's good, believe me...look how good they are."  The pediatrician says the same thing.  She has three boys and she admits to yelling, cursing and being on their ASS.  She says boys will run you into the ground if you're not on them.  I believe it....and I agree. 

I was talking my friend....haven't decided what I'll call her "redheaded Mama"?  She's called herself Twinkie Mom but somehow I can't call her that not actually ever having SEEN her eat a  I'll have to think about that.  Anyway, the fine line between a child who clearly has issues or a child that just needs an ass-whooping...hard to tell sometimes.  I'm fortunate in that I know if my kids are doing something ridiculous it's usually because some tough love needs to happen.  I can give "the look", I can gesture with my hands (cuz they're up in the air when I'm on the phone anyway), I can snap my fingers, clench my teeth, take a threatening step toward the one with the winkie (do I need to remind you he's usually the one starting something?)....but sometimes you just need to say, "Excuse me, I need to yell for a sec.."  and let loose.  I'm loud.  Very loud.  Embarassingly loud.  Apologies to all that have ever had to hear me.  It's the price we have to pay...otherwise my kids will be "muling" in my ear..and yours.  Nope, can't have that..cuz I run a tight ship.

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