Sunday, February 27, 2011

"She's fiesty"

That's right, I'm feisty.  I curse...or cuss.  Doesn't necessarily mean I'm mad either.  I'm not politically correct.  Feminists make me roll my eyes.  I judge people.  I will correct your spelling mistakes.  I will make fun of you when you keep making the same mistake over and over again.  I'm loud and I have a big mouth.  People who love me wouldn't necessarily call me a bitch..they say I'm "feisty".  I like it.  ;-)

1 comment:

  1. O.M.G. I think we were separated at birth. Wait, you are probably MUCH younger than me, so that's not possible. Since we are so alike, I won't hate you for being so much younger AND having more kids than me. ;o)
