Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Looking back on last year...

So I was reading my status updates from last April when I first started keeping track...can't believe so much has changed in just a year.  I've become "owner" of our Yahoo homeschooling group and (hopefully!) spiced things up enough to gives some of the moms in our area another avenue to find out about resources, activities and to meet more families.  My parents moved out last spring and I thought the days would go by slowly...and they did at first...but now the time is flying.  It will go by even faster when the weather is warmer and we won't be cooped up at home.  Mike's visit came and went.  Bills came and made us broke.  I started homeschooling my son though he won't be "official" until this coming fall. 

  I met a new friend and she helped me bring back the old me.  You know, the old me that made time for makeup, got excited to straighten my hair, picked out my jewelry as if going on a date and the best part is she doesn't think I'm insane for homeschooling...because she's doing it too! 

I'm slowly getting my groove back..everything is falling into place...the taxes are filed and we'll finally be able to breathe a little easier.  A lot has happened since last year but it's just getting better and better and for that I am grateful.