Thursday, February 24, 2011

What do I do all day?

1:39pm - is usually late on the whole technology/what is everyone into game but now I'm a follower of blogs, a blogger myself (though I don't know how anyone is supposed to find my blog without me self-promoting my nonsense) and I'm trying to write a children's book.  Don't know if any of these things will pan out but it's keeping me busy in the meantime.  ;-)

Apparently I don't do enough each day.  Back in November I was homeschooling as well as dealing with attitude problems of the entire household (mine included) and then I decided to put the house on the market...just for the hell of it.  Just to test the market and see what could happen.  I got the deck painted, the junk hauled away, I stepped in multiple piles of poop thanks to the neighbor's NASTY beagle, got into a fight with these neighbors over their NASTY beagle and watched them move out with a smile.  We lost our homeschooling mojo for a couple of months and slowly in February we got it back. 
On a tangent -if you think buying a specific table for a specific area to do specific homeschooling things is going to make you feel better and make your house look better, by all means, go for it.  Didn't work for me.  During our homeschooling hiatus I bought a folding table and folding chairs to set up downstairs to create...something...still not sure what...anyway, it didn't take.  We're still back up in the kitchen where we spend the majority of our time and my kitchen counters are as cluttered as ever.  I have a bin of file folder games resting ever so dangerously on a pile of pots and pans in my cabinet right now that's just itching to come crashing down.
Anyhoo, I always seem to be creating projects for myself....and all to avoid exercise.  "As soon as I'm done laminating file folder games...THEN I'll have time every evening to exercise."  "Well, the kids need new spring clothes so I'll order those first...and THEN I'll do some yoga moves."  Next thing you know I've spent two hours drooling browsing over Diamonique.  That's okay though because it's on "my" time. 
During the day I manage to dole out snacks, refill sippy cups, think of lunch and dinner from my repertoire of 2 minute meals, read books, work on phonics, count to 3 several times in a firm, slightly threatening voice and still somehow  remember to visit the toilet at some point.  That's on a slow day when we haven't even gone anywhere...or done anything REALLY productive.  I'm leaving out the noses I help clean, the mouths that end up with schmutz all over them, the teeth that need brushing, the nails that need clipping, the hair that needs cutting, the clothes that need washing and the butts that need wiping...oh wait, guess I'm not leaving that out.  lol 
So as if that whole job wasn't enough, I decided to add more to my plate.  I still have file folder games that need finishing, curriculum that needs to be planned, shopping that needs to be done and an ass/gut that needs to become smaller but no, I've decided to unleash the madness that is in my brain and type it all out.  In several different ways.  Facebook was good for a while...until enough relatives and in-laws friended me so that now I need to censor.  Now it's this whole blogging thing.  I don't really know how I find others' blogs and I still need to self-promote...then again I just started.  I don't even know how to add a "signature" to my yahoo account...though plenty of other moms have special blurbs that make me jealous.  Makes 'em seem like they have something going on besides babies, you know what I mean?  Time to pull up Yahoo while the kids are watching Wubbzy to see what I can learn now.  :-)

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